In School we have to use our imagination, in some classes more than others. Here is your basic third grade class with the Art teacher, as she ask everyone to contribute to the picture being drawn on the blackboard. James begins this experience...


James draws the ground and returns to his seat, The teacher called on Ernie next..

Ernie returned to his seat. Now it was Suzy’s turn

Suzy returned to her seat. Next, the teacher called Jerry to the board

Jerry returned to his seat. Kim was called to the board

When Kim finished, she returned to her seat

About this time, little Johnny began waving his arm hysterically. Little Johnny was well known for being dirty-minded, so the teacher was reluctant to call on him for anything. But as the teacher looked at the picture on the chalkboard, she thought that there was no way that little Johnny could possibly do anything to make this picture dirty. So she called on little Johnny, and he ran to the chalkboard.

Little Johnny had done it again.


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