Moses and Jesus were
playing golf one day when they came up to a long hole with a
water trap right in the middle of the fairway. Jesus teed his
ball up and pulled out a two iron. Moses saw this and said,
"You can't make it over that trap with a two iron."
Jesus replied, "Jack Nicklaus does it all the time. Sure I
can." So Jesus hit the ball and sure enough, the ball fell
right into the trap. Moses walked down, parted the water and
retrieved Jesus' ball. As he brought it back up to Jesus he said,
"See, I told you you would never make it over that trap.
Your going to need at least a four wood." Jesus said, "No!
If Jack Nicklaus can do this with a two iron, I can!" So he
hit the ball again. Right into the trap it went. As Jesus was
walking around on the top of the water, looking for his ball, a
golfer walked by and asked Moses, "Who does that guy think
he is, Jesus Christ?" Moses replied, "No, he thinks
he's Jack Nicklaus....."